Video: Santorum Again Heckled on Campaign Trail

Michael K. Lavers READ TIME: 1 MIN.

For the second time in as many days, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum faced vocal criticism to his opposition to marriage for same-sex couples and anti-gay statements on the campaign trail.

Security personnel escorted a man who was screaming "no hate" from a Santorum campaign event in Lady Lake, Fla., on Monday.

This disruption came two days after a group of Occupy protesters glitter bombed Santorum following his third place finish in the South Carolina primary on Jan. 21.

The protesters shouted "gay rights" and "bigot" at Santorum as he greeted supporters at a the Citadel in Charleston.

"Rick Santorum hates the gays," shouted one protester as she and others were quickly hustled out of the auditorium.

Santorum has faced numerous questions about his strong opposition to marriage for same-sex couples on the campaign trail.

A supporter who said she has a gay son asked the former U.S. senator at a Myrtle Beach coffee shop on Jan. 17 how she should explain her support of his campaign to those who oppose his views. A woman asked Santorum during a town hall meeting on the eve of New Hampshire's presidential primary earlier this month whether his anti-gay positions make him an electable candidate.

A group of Occupy protesters also confronted Santorum and members of his family after a campaign rally in Manchester, N.H., a few hours later.

by Michael K. Lavers , National News Editor

Based in Washington, D.C., Michael K. Lavers has appeared in the New York Times, BBC, WNYC, Huffington Post, Village Voice, Advocate and other mainstream and LGBT media outlets. He is an unapologetic political junkie who thoroughly enjoys living inside the Beltway.

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