Religious Anti-Gay Hate Group Leader Lauds Trump Win


Let the theocracy begin.

In the wake of president-elect Donald Trump's victory, the anti-LGBT hate group Liberty Counsel issued a statement celebrating the end of the Obama years that saw an unprecedented expansion in LGBT rights.

"Today is a new day for America," wrote Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. "Our prayers were answered. We have been spared from certain disaster. But we cannot rest. Now is the time to heal and rebuild the foundations that has made America great."

Coincidentally, Stater's organization Liberty Counsel begins opening arguments today as defense counsel for anti-LGBT hate group leader Pastor Scott Lively, who is being tried for crimes against humanity for his part in the formation of Uganda's now infamous "Kill the Gays" law.

What should be most disturbing for LGBT Americans in Staver's statement is his mention of the Supreme Court.

"The judiciary is broken, beginning with the United States Supreme Court. That needs to be fixed with justices and judges who respect the rule of law and who will put aside their personal ideology," Staver says. "It is time the Supreme Court took its rightful place in our system of government as the weakest branch. We, the People, need to regain our place in this representative government."

Staver rose to national fame in 2015 as the attorney who represented anti-LGBT Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis who refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples despite the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v Hodges.

"The culture has been in a free fall for decades and the past seven and a half years have accelerated the decline of America. Politicians have become drunk with power. The media has lost its moral compass and can no longer be trusted. As George Washington said, 'Religion and morality are the twin pillars that hold up the Republic.' Without Judeo-Christian faith and values, America will devolve into chaos. It is time for a new revolution of faith and values. Today is the day that we begin to rebuild America," Staver concluded.

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