Sara Raminez and Cynthia Nixon on "And Just Like That" Source: YouTube

Watch: On 'AJLT' – Many Unhappy With Miranda/Che Hookup

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 4 MIN.

One of the biggest questions prior to the streaming of "And Just Like That" was whether Cynthia Nixon's character Miranda Hobbs would turn out to be gay. Since "Sex and the City" ended in 2004 (2010, if the movies are included), Nixon came out as bisexual in 2012 and ran for Governor of New York against Andrew Cuomo in the 2018 Democratic Primary, which she lost.

On "AJLT," It has taken a few episodes for the answer to emerge, but it has done so in a somewhat baffling way. On the episode entitled "Tragically Hip," Carrie Bradshaw (Parker) learns she needs hip surgery. During her recovery Miranda and Charlotte (Kristin Davis) volunteered to nurse her in her old apartment.

During one of Miranda's caregiving session, Carrie's non-binary boss Che Diaz drops by with a bottle of Tequila. With Carrie passed out from painkillers, Che and Miranda take shots in the kitchen, leading them to get frisky. But Carrie wakes up and is confused by the sex sounds emanating from the kitchen. She also needs to pee and, unable to get Miranda's attention, miserably fails in relieving herself in a Snapple bottle, wetting her bed.

Once Che departs, a drunk Miranda really can't relate to Carrie's anger at being left to pee in her bed, which leads to them having words. (It wasn't this incident, by the way, that led to Miranda's decision to become sober – that happened when she realized she ordered a self-help book about dealing with alcoholism, not Charlotte, as she assumed.)

Watch the scene at this age restricted YouTube video.

But the sex fulfilled her in ways she hadn't felt in a long-time, which made the moment uncomfortable. Should the show be celebrating Miranda's liberating moment instead of blaming her for being a negligent friend because she had drunk sex?

"The reality is, rather than coming across as a liberating sex scene that gives Miranda 'the best feeling' she's 'ever had' in her life (as Miranda puts it to Che), the fact that Miranda is orgasming while her injured friend is desperate to pee just in the next room only affirms a widespread opinion among franchise fans:�Miranda's character is being absolutely destroyed�in the revival," .

"What is unacceptable, and a bit of a bummer for long-time fans, is that Miranda has clearly been aware of her feelings for some time now and hasn't bothered to talk to Steve about them before her tequila-infused romp. Her betrayal of Steve is made even worse by the fact that Che kind of sucks," she adds.

"It's cool that Che is non-binary; it's uncool that they are a narcissistic, unfunny comedian," she writes.

Sara Ramirez and Cynthia Nixon on "And Just Like That"

"Even Ramirez, the nonbinary actor who plays Che, seems aware that their character isn't worth rooting for," she continues.

"Che isn't here to be liked, Che isn't here for anyone's approval," Ramirez recently said in a roundtable interview attended by Insider and other outlets. "Che is not here to represent the entire LGBTQ+ community, or a spectrum of Spanish-speaking people, or Latin-identified people, or Hispanic-identified people. They're here to just be themselves."

"No community is a monolith," they added.

As for Miranda, the most recent episode featured her having daydreams that looked like something out of "Twin Peaks." (Since Nixon also directed the episode, was this meant as homage?) One cringeworthy moment came when Miranda was masturbating to her David Lynchy fantasies, only to be interrupted by her son, only to screech in an orgasmic voice. At the end of the episode, she texts Che telling her they should hang out.

But also she has words with Charlotte when she confesses to her Tequila-hazed sex while the three sit at a picnic table drinking, per now-sober Miranda's wishes, non-alcoholic wine. "It is an affair," says Charlotte. "It was a finger," Miranda replies. But Charlotte is less upset about the sex, having just confessed to having sex fantasies about Che, than dealing with fluid sexual identities, a crisis she is experiencing with her child, who identifies as Rock. (The episode began with Rock asking Charlotte to remove the stencil with the name Rose on it that sits behind her bed.) "What is wrong with people just staying who they were?" she says to Miranda.

On Twitter, opinions are all over the place concerning Che and Miranda, their sex scene, and if they have a future together. But Lisa@LKJMCA nailed it, pointing out what's missing from the show.

One user loved the Che/Miranda hook-up:

Another used a gay icon to say enough already with the David Lynch fantasy sequences:

And Twitter user BELLA expressed distress at Miranda's new moniker – Rambo – while flashbacking to the old Miranda.

Another pointed out another of the show's distressing memes – Carrie's puritanical attitudes.

One informal poll showed a largely negative response to the Che/Miranda kitchen hook-up, with 80% disapproval.

Others expressed their feelings.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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