We are Getting Our Licks in with Hottie Coley Vance
Coley Vance Source: Instagram / @coleyyvance

We are Getting Our Licks in with Hottie Coley Vance

Timothy Rawles READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Sticking out your tongue can be an act of mockery, but for fitness model Coley Vance it's a sign of pride. The strapping young man loves to mimic the "face-with-tongue" emoji when he is showing off his hard body. His social media pages are filled with these types of pics, and it makes us chuckle each time we see it.

Coley also seems to be a fan of classic literature. He has a tattoo on his chest that reads, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light," a passage from a classic poem written by Dylan Thomas. Thankfully, Coley's light isn't fading, and he is illuminating us with that well-formed body and sexy energy.

We won't go gently into that good night; not as long as Coley is getting his licks on social media.

by Timothy Rawles

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