Dining Out for Life benefit for AIDS Project Rhode Island


Private chef Chris Whirlow and attorney Jason Preciphs will co-chair AIDS Project Rhode Island's (APRI) annual Dining Out for Life(DOFL) happening on Thursday, April 30th in Rhode Island area restaurants.
DOFL is an international event that links local HIV/AIDS non-profits with eating establishments. The restaurants receive publicity and the non-profits receive a portion of restaurant sales on the day of the event. Ted Allen, of Queer Eye and Iron Chef fame, is the international spokesperson for the event.
Volunteers, called "ambassadors," are being sought to help promote the event and to fill the participating restaurants on the day of.
Anyone interested should contact APRI's development director, Stephen Hogan, Jr. at 401-831-5522 ext. 3364.
"Ambassadors are essential to the success of this nationwide event," says Hogan. "Being an ambassador is also a lot of fun and it's all for a great cause!"
Mr. Whirlow is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and regularly donates his time and services to non-profit groups. He is also employed by Residential Properties LTD.
Attorney Jason Preciphs is an associate at Roberts Carroll Feldstein & Pierce Incorporated in Providence, and a member of the Family Service of Rhode Island board of directors.
"We are fortunate to have Chris and Jason give of their time and creativity to help us raise money to fund prevention and social service programs," said Margaret Holland McDuff, CEO of Family Service of RI. "These are challenging economic times, and I hope that we have the biggest turnout ever during Dining Out for Life."
Founded in 1985 by a small group of doctors, nurses and community activists, AIDS Project Rhode Island, now a division of Family Service of RI, is the state's first AIDS service organization.
Their mission is to provide compassionate, non-judgmental and collaborative response to the needs of people infected, affected and at risk of HIV/AIDS. This is accomplished through leadership in prevention, education, supportive services and advocacy. The Project is guided by principles that epitomize effective nonprofit management and client-centered outcomes.


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