Boo & Brew :: A Gourmet Getaway in Vermont

Jason Salzenstein READ TIME: 2 MIN.

If you're looking for some hauntingly good fun over the Halloween weekend, get out your sweaters, scarves, and best pumpkin picking ensemble, get ready to rest, relax, reinvigorate, and head to Good Commons, a gorgeous retreat center in Vermont. Having spent a weekend there myself recently (be on the lookout for that story soon), I can personally vouch for Good Common's reputation as one of the best weekend getaways in New England. Once there, you can read a book, take a hike in the mountains, visit cute little towns, and spend quality time with friends old and new; basically, you get to relax and revitalize. And this time, the weekend's got a fun holiday theme!

I have it on good authority that the Boo & Brew Halloween weekend will be filled with devilish deliciousness- I only wish I could be there. The gourmet getaway includes a trip to an apple orchard and pumpkin patch, a sunset hayride, personal beer brewing, a ceremony with trance medium and author Robin May, and a fabulous Day of the Dead Feast prepared by resident in-house private chef Matthew Wexler.

Of course aside from the planned activities - all of which are optional, although I'd not skip any myself - you'll have the chance to relax and unwind with a blanket and a good book, talking to wonderful people, and sitting around a fire under a star-lit night in the Vermont mountains. For city folk like me, Good Commons is the perfect opportunity to get away from it all... without actually leaving any creature comforts behind.

The Good Commons house sleeps just over 20 in a handful of private bedrooms and a large sleeping loft- think orphanage from Annie, but comfortable, fun and fabulous (rather than dark, dreary, and full of child labor!). The house is perfect for groups large and small, but don't let that fool you- if you're flying solo, you'll be welcomed with open arms and unless your name is Satan, you'll have a new group of friends before the first meal is served.

Given everything you get from a weekend at Good Commons, pricing can't be beat- and the weekend is all-inclusive. Stay three nights (in the sleeping loft) for just $475, which includes transportation from Manhattan in Good Commons' eco-friendly private bus. Even better, round-up three friends, and you can go for free!

For more info on Good Commons, go to or email your fabulous hosts - Tesha, Matthew, and adorable little Wilbur, a Chihuahua mix who's too cute for words.

And be sure to keep your eyes on the EDGE Travel pages for a full run-down of my weekend getaway. Good Commons will also be hosting a Winter Food and Wine Expedition (January 15-18) and another (fabulous!) Gay Away: Winter Edition, January 28-31. (Register for the Gay Away: Winter Edition by November 15 and you'll save $50!)

And who knows- you may even see me there!

by Jason Salzenstein

Twitter :: JasonSalz

Jason Salzenstein is a writer and editor; design, image, and marketing consultant; and professional shopper. His work has appeared in numerous national and international publications and he has clients around the world. For more information ::

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